Update Account Preferences


This option enables the retail user to maintain and assign account nicknames and trace accounts.

User can provide an alias or a nick name to the accounts held, which would help him in identifying the account easily.

For the purpose of reconciliation, users prefer credits from a failed or suspect transaction to be routed to an account other than the funding account. This account is known as the trace account.

The trace account will be used when a reversal needs to be performed for failed transactions. The reversal logic will first look for a trace account and if the trace account is not present then the From Account will be used for reversal.

The user will have the facility to identify which accounts to be used as the trace account in the system.

At the time of initiation, the  user will be required to select the trace account to be used for a transaction. As part of the transaction screen, the user will be provided the drop-down list with the list of trace accounts and the user will be expected to select the appropriate account.  External accounts and accounts not having full access are not allowed to be set as trace accounts

If the user has only one trace account, the same would be pre-selected in the drop-down list. If there are multiple trace accounts, no accounts would be pre-selected and the user has to manually select an account.


User can select multiple accounts and update nick name against each account and submit at one go.


  • Select Update Account Preferences in the Personal Profile screen.

  • The Update Account Preferences screen is displayed.

What you can do

The table below provides a brief description of the data that should be entered on the screen and the functions you can perform:





All fields below are display fields.

Option Button

Click the appropriate value to select the required record.

Customer ID

The customer id number of the displayed account.

Account Type

The type of account, whether, current, overdraft account.

Account Number

The number assigned to the account.

Account Nickname

The alias or nickname of the account.

Set as Trace Account

Indicate whether the account has been classified as Trace account or not.




Update Account Nickname

The user can update or give a nickname to the displayed accounts.

Update Trace Account

Assign an account as trace account.

Go to Page

If there are multiple number of pages for displaying the list, then the desired page number can be provided and Go must be clicked to view the list in that page.


View the next screen page.


View the previous screen page.

Download Details As

The details displayed can be downloaded by the retail user in the required format as given in the drop-down.